English Conversation Club

Topic: ‘Law & Crime’

(Make sure you introduce yourselves as necessary, perhaps joined to the first question. Also remember that are free to talk about anything you like!)

  1. Would you ever like to have a job relating to law-enforcement or crime-prevention (eg police, lawyer, judge)? Why or why not?

  2. Have you noticed any differences between laws in Australia and in your home country? What do you think about the differences?

  3. Do you feel safer in your home country or Australia? Why?

  4. In your country, what different ways can people be punished for committing crimes (eg death penalty, corporeal punishment, fines, imprisonment, community service)? Are there any ways you think should never be used (why/why not)?

  5. What do you think are effective ways of preventing crimes or repeat offences?

  6. Do you think children should be punished differently from adults? At what age (if any) do you think children should be treated as adults?

  7. Do you like watching movies or TV shows about law and crime? Share about your favourite one!

  8. Do you think laws help prevent crime or they hinder good citizens?

  9. If you were responsible for making the law in society, what do you think would be the four most important laws or rules?

  10. Do you think corruption and bribery is a big problem in crime prevention?

  11. Have you ever helped prevent a crime or catch a criminal? Tell us about it. (If you can!)

  12. Do you think it should be legal to use human embryos for scientific research? Why or why not?

  13. How should people decide what is right and what is wrong?

  14. Do you think civilians should be allowed to own their own guns? Why/why not? (What is the law in your home country?)

  15. Do you think breaking copyright (software, movies, music, books etc) should be a crime? Why or why not?

  16. Do you think it will ever be possible to put an end to all crime? Why/why not?

  17. If people could get away with it, do you think most would commit crimes? Why/why not?