Genesis 2: How Man Begins

REVIEW: What does Ch1 teach us about God?

Discussion Questions for Genesis 2:4-2:25

  1. Do you notice anything different about what God is called in chapter 2, and what He was called in chapter 1?

  2. In 2:4-6, what is the heavens and the earth like? What is God solution in 2:7?

  3. In 2:7, how did God make man? In 2:8-9, what is the garden in Eden like? From these, how would you describe God’s relationship to man?

  4. In 2:15-17, what does God require of man? Do you think God is too strict? Why or why not?

  5. In 2:19-20, who gives names to all the animals? Who did the naming in Ch1? Why might this be significant?

  6. In 2:20-23 we read how God made woman. Why did God make woman (2:18)? Do you think it is good for people to be alone?

  7. What do you think 2:25 might be teaching us about our relationships with each other and with God?

  8. How would you describe people and the world now, compared to the way God made things in the beginning?