Exodus 1&2 The LORD Hears His People

Discussion Questions for Genesis 50:15-26

  1. Gen 50:15-21 Why do you think Joseph wept when he received the message from his brothers?

  2. Gen 50:22-26 What was Joseph’s hope, and why was he so sure about it?

Discussion Questions for Exodus 1:1-2:25

  1. Ex 1:1-14 What happened to the 70 Israelites while they were in Egypt?

  2. Ex 1:15-22 What else did Pharaoh try to do to weaken the Israelites? How did the Israelites respond and why?

  3. Ex 2:1-10 What was unusual about Moses’ birth and childhood?

  4. Ex 2:11-22 Why did Moses flee Egypt?

  5. Ex 2:23-25 What was God’s response toward the Israelites and why did He respond like that? What encouragement does that give us?

Pointing to Jesus Christ!